Environments - Blender, Unity
Neon Diver contains 60 different levels across 6 unique areas. Each level presents the player with a unique puzzle - a sort of obstacle course - which they must use logic, observation and reflexes to solve.
Levels were designed using a combination of models designed in Blender, 3D grounds created in Unity and Photoshop elements.
iOS / Android / PC (upcoming)
Neon Diver is a game that celebrates my love of deep waters, last person on earth storytelling, cross-section art and puzzle games.
2D • 3D • UI
Programs used:
Blender (modeling, rigging, animation), Unity, Photoshop
Neon Diver

(slide 1 of 6) Desert Area - A huge fan of Star Wars growing up, I loved the way George Lucas made each world uniquely its own and instantly recognizable at a glance. I wanted to channel this approach in my world building across the six different game areas.

(slide 2 of 6) Ice Area - The player touches their ship to the goal, triggering a blast which destroys all enemy entities on the level and returns it to an untouched, natural state.

(slide 3 of 6) Jungle Area - I am fascinated with cross-sections as an artistic device. I love seeing a setting (or other subject) sliced neatly, giving a clear view of the inner workings. The cross-section depicted here shows a lock system as a component of the level design.

(slide 4 of 6) Organic Area - The first area of the game, many key mechanics and entity types are introduced here to gradually introduce players to the gameplay experience.

(slide 5 of 6) Magma Area - The level pictured features a fun side quest where the player can help reunite the mother octopus with her missing baby.

(slide 6 of 6) Render-X Area - The final area of the game, Render-X Corporate Headquarters is the site where all the secrets of the fall of civilization are revealed.
Characters, Enemies & Vehicles - Blender
Neon Diver contains 60 different levels across 6 unique areas. Each level presents the player with a unique puzzle - a sort of obstacle course - they must use logic, observation and reflexes to solve.
Levels were designed using a combination of models designed in Blender, 3D grounds created in Unity and Photoshop elements.
While the character appears quite small in-game, it was still important that all of the 43 total diver animations transition seamlessly into each other to ensure a smooth visual experience.
Environments - Blender, Unity
Neon Diver contains 60 different levels across 6 unique areas. Each level presents the player with a unique puzzle - a sort of obstacle course - which they must use logic, observation and reflexes to solve.
Levels were designed using a combination of models designed in Blender, 3D grounds created in Unity and Photoshop elements.